How Collaborative Helps:
Children & Parenting

Regardless of your childrens age, it’s important to consider the effects that a seprartion will have on them. Collaborative practice uses a child-first approach to help both parties reach a consultation that prioritizes the safety and wellbeing of all children in the family. Below we’ve answered some of the most common questions people have about children’s involvement in the Collaborative Process. 

Why do I need a family professional when our children are adults?

Your family professional helps you and your spouse. Separating is tough.  Collaborating makes it easier with a family professional.  Your family professional will help you have positive conversations with your spouse that lead to an agreement. 

Your family professional helps you and your spouse deal with the emotional issues from your relationship when you are separating and collaborating.    Depending on the needs of your family, the family professional may want to speak to your adult child. 

How do I co-parent with my spouse?

Proper planning and better communication can help your family simplify co-parenting. A family professional will help you and your spouse prepare a co-parenting plan that works for both of you. 

How do our children have a say during collaboration?

Collaboration is child focused. A family professional will ensure that your child’s voice is heard. Everyone wins with a parenting plan that works for your children. 

What do I need to do to protect myself and my children right after my separation?

You and your spouse may be struggling in parenting your children once you stop living together.

This can be a very stressful and emotional time for your family. In order to help you and your children, contact one of our professionals to create a parenting plan that suits your families needs. 

What does custody mean?

Having custody of your children means that you have a say in important decisions that will affect your children’s lives. If you and your spouse each have legal custody, then you both get a say in these kinds of decisions. Legal custody is now called “decision making responsibilities”. 

What does 50/50 custody mean?

50/50 is not a legal term, but in most cases 50/50 custody means you share in the time you spend with your children and in the decisions you make for your children.

What does access mean?

Access, which is now called “parenting time”, refers to the period of time that you are responsible for your child. You do not have to be physically present for it to be considered your parenting time. Your child can, for example, be at school or in daycare during your parenting time.

Can my new boyfriend or girlfriend meet the children?

Before introducing your new boyfriend or girlfriend to the children, it may be beneficial for you to talk to a family professional to make sure that the children are ready to meet your new partner. Step-parenting can be challenging. 

Rushing your children into a situation that they are not prepared for can make things even more complicated in the long run, especially in the event that you and your new partner separate. 

Can my new boyfriend or girlfriend discipline the children?

Respect is important. Children often need guidance from adults, and often turn toward adults for advice. Adults should learn how to be role models, and should lead by example. Discipline can take many forms.

Make sure to have a conversation with your new boyfriend or girlfriend about what your expectations are. Talk about what you, as a parent, feel comfortable with. A parenting plan can help you deal with challenging questions like discipline, especially if you and your former spouse discipline your children in different ways. 

What is a parenting plan?

A parenting plan is an agreement between the parents that sets out the time that each parent will have with the child, as well as how decisions about the child’s life will be made. It provides you and your spouse with a guideline that you both agree to follow. 

A parenting plan can discuss a variety of different things such as your children’s care, upbringing, or schooling. A good parenting plan recognizes that children’s needs change over time, especially as they go through different developmental stages. 

Why do I need a parenting plan?

A parenting plan is an agreement between the parents that sets out the time that each parent will have with the child, as well as how decisions about the child’s life will be made. Parenting plans reduce stress for children as well as both parents. 

Your parenting plan will be tailored to best suit your family’s individual needs. It’s like a roadmap. It will address the current and future needs of your child or children as they grow, and will help you and your former spouse ensure that all of your family’s needs are met.

What happens on holidays?

Holidays are often a very special and important time for families. Some families have annual traditions, whereas other families are more flexible when it comes to celebrating the holidays. Each family is unique. Planning for the holidays in advance can give you and your children peace of mind.

 We want to ensure that you and your former spouse are each able to spend meaningful time with your children over the holidays. 

Ready to get started with the collaborative process?

It all starts with finding a professional near you and reaching out for a consultation. You’re taking the first steps towards reaching a smart settlement to your seperation. 


Learn how the Collaborative Process can help you easily navigate your family financials after separation.


Understand the ways the Collaborative Process allows you to handle property & assets.


Collaborative Practice allows for couples to arrange a cohabitation agreement or marriage contract.


See how Collaborative Practice is the best option for protecting your children's best interests.

Time & Cost

Collaborative Practice has the benefit of a reduced time commitment and lower expenses.

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